Wade Bowen is hands down my absolute favorite artist of all time and he wrote a song for his wife who was kinda going through the same thing as my friend except hers was postpartum depression. Anyways he wrote this song that I cant get out of my head for the soul reason that I feel the exact same way, so if you get some down time check it out, its called turn on the lights.
I hate Florida. Im not crying about it but I'm just here to tell you that the grass is not greener on the other side. I know that was a bad example because of the fact that everything IS greener in florida because of the rain and constant sun but I think you get what I'm trying to say. I love my friends here and my soccer things I got going on but this isn't me man. I guess what Im trying to say is I am sick of being home sick. Im ready to go back to Texas.
They say bad things happen in three's but as of late Im starting to doubt this system because Im in the eight's at this point. Don't get me wrong I love my life right now and it could always get way worse and Im plenty aware of that but I could use a brake God, ease up on the rain please.
Im normally not this emo, matter of fact, people that bitch about their problems really kinda annoy me but I must say i do feel a bit better after putting it on "paper" than I did when I started this.
I never really understood the reason to have a blog and Im still not to sure I do other than to vent and rant about your life but right now I could use a pick-me-up so I am going to try this and maybe it will help. We will see.
partly because i'm nosey and partly because i just enjoy reading blogs... but you should write more. i haven't talked to you in a while, hope life is going good. :)